Minor in Possession
Minor in Possession
Accused of a minor in possession charge? Call 916-546-8052 for a free consultation to discuss your case
Receiving a guilty charge in any case can prove to be financially and emotionally costly. The same can be said for those accused of breaking California’s Minor in Possession (MIP) law. Don’t stand by while you or a loved one is financially or legally jeopardized.
California MIP Law
California law states that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink or even possess alcohol.
The penalties for MIP vary dependent on the facts. California Business & Professional Code Section 25658 (e1) contains theses possible consequences for a violation of this law:
- A $250 fine, and
- 24 to 32 hours of community service, not interfering with attending school or working at a place of employment.
- 1 year license suspension.
Second or subsequent offenses can result in the following:
- A fine not exceeding $500, and
- 36 to 48 hours of community service, not interfering with attending school or working at a place of employment.
- License suspension for at least 1 year.
Dependent on your case and situation, the court could require service hours to be performed at a local alcohol or drug treatment programs or the county coroner’s office.
Not all penalties need to apply to your case or a loved one’s. We will work through the process with you, integrating all the resources necessary. Being penalized for such a charge can have a great impact on your future.
Contact Byron Roope
Charges should be acted on and dealt with quickly. If you or a loved one is faced with MIP charges, contact the Law Office of Byron Roope.
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